Console Diagnostics
Proper Diagnostics of your system, Whatever issues it may have, and the cost of repairing it for you.
Services & Price breakdown
TheAverageHardDrive cost
- 1 TB 2.5" - $40.00
- 1 TB SSD - $55 to $99.99
- 1 TB NVMe - $89.99 to $149.99
a Playstation 4 Hard Drive Replacement with a 1 TB 2.5" Drive would Run $25.00 for labor PLUS $52.99 For the Drive PLUS tax would be...
MINUS your 25.00 Diagnostic fee..
$82.63-$25.00=$57.63 you would owe
To the Left will be a basic Price LABOR breakdown of the services we offer. any required parts will be additional to the labor cost. The Main thing to note is that we charge a $25.00 Bench fee. This is a non negotiable diagnostic fee due before diagnostics are done, and are Credited to you upon repair if you have us do the repair.
Also to the left lists the average price of a new Hard Drive based on size, these are average prices, and can go up or down depending on the brand.
*Please Note, Upon replacing a Hard Drive, you WILL lose your data, it is recomended you back up your save files, or use the cloud function for the console.
These are just a few services that we Provide
- Hardware Replacement
- Power Supply Replacement
- Fan Replacement
- Hard Drive Replacement
- etc